Well, well, well… my apologies and sorries for keeping you waiting for so long… I mean its been like a week that I never entertain you my beloved expectators and audiences…
As you can see, I’ve been very busy again for these past few days, I’ve been into a lot of things you just don’t want to know. I mean last week I supposedly have a benefit show for the freedom of animals that’s been keep in the cages for people to eat; But that did’nt push through because my ex-husband has his new house blessed last Friday night… and he begged me to be on the dinner and party… yes begged me… that’s the beauty of a good housewife… ex-husband can’t just ditch you…
Its been a while that I never talked to my ex-husband since the divorce six month ago. He’s very busy with his new house and I’m very busy with my social climbing affairs. Mr. K and me lived together for only six months because I’m very complicated but good, errisistable and loving , huh!!! ( I know I’m still capable of loving I’m not a mineral formation ) But nevertheless I was there when he shop for furniture and appliances all for him.
So last Friday late afternoon I gathered my friends in a tuk-tuk ( equivalent to trycicle in the Philippines ) because as you can see I don’t have my husband to drive me around but nevertheless he picked up me and everyone in his black new lexus. Wearing only chanel perfume I went to the party of course with my entourage.
The party is huge its like 30 big round tables and the guest are like so very so… so… anyway lets not talk about it. The menu is good and delicious. For two and half years now that I’m living here in Cambodia I learn to love the Khmer food.
During the course of the dinner I watched Mr. K from afar and smiled to myself. Mr. K is a very simple, caring , rich man but we just cannot be together for reasons that he’s too very simple for me… though he’s rich… and with that I felt suddenly so felt depressed and ask myself why there are things that just doesn’t work out even if it look and feels like its meant to be…
That is why our topic for today is…
How to be a good ex-wife….
Complete yourself alone… being sure of who or what you are is a very big factor in every relationship. It’s a rock n roll cliché for god sake watch jerry mcguire. Being complete is like full bodied milk but be careful with the melamine.
Open your cellphone… Communication in these new generation is very easy, though its sometimes very difficult to talk to x- cessess but at least the means to communicate is there already, we don’t live like “the notebook” that it takes generations to wait for a single letter. Communication is not that easy when you are not complete so refer again to the above.
Be supportive… even if he is not that supportive, its what we called civilities and graceciousness… again the old cliché if you’re thrown with a stone, throw back a bigger stone… hehehehe... of course love is not an issue here anymore its always been there. For me in support with Mr. K I helped him chose the color of the paint of the house, in chosing good furnitures, I even get to the point of loving his new neighbors as a gracious ex-wife.
Be a friend… I know… I know… its difficult to be-friend with x-cess but then again in the end of the day it does’nt really matter what happened as long as its clear to you about everything and your relationship with him. Even if you kick him out. And also keep something that’s good for blackmail… hehehehe… but I don’t do that…
Well… well… well… there you go my expectators and audience. Till tomorrow and beyond… Ms. Cojuanco is a friend even to a fault… HUH!!!!
Hey don’t correct my grammar and spelling… have a nice day beautiful people….
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